Sunday, July 19, 2009

All about College...

If u consider there can be no diff. between school and coll. afterall its just an extension of education right after school...... but yet somehow.. things are never the same.. Suddenly ppl consider us grown ups... our parents are no longer responsible... class room fights turn out to be dirty politics... suddenly.. there are no morning prayers.. no boring assemblies.. no hour long lectures.. no p.t. classes.. no sports day... no celebrations like a family.. no more friendly chats with teachers.. no more teachers who announced the topper of the class ... scolded me for not performing well... nothings the same any more.. nothing to make us feel secure & happy...
One would have thought that evevn though surroundings have changed atleast ppl will not... but as they say CHANGE IS INEVITABLE!!! Companions whom you consider as friends... may not be so... Its like everything has layers.. the outer for every1 to see and the inner true self!! This is perhaps a glimpse of the real outer world! For each person in this world believes that he cannot move forward without defeating the other... One's Pain is the Others Gain!!! This perceptio of society has caused the change.. If only ppl think Of Universal good.. That Every1 can succeed together... That EVERY1 can BE HAPPY! Then PPL will LIVE TO LOVE & LOVE TO LIVE!!!